disabled swimmers

A disabled swimming class is currently on at a swimming pool and a group of cripples are crowding round the pool.

“I’ll bet I can swim two lengths in a minute,” says a man with one arm.

He jumps in and swims the two lengths in just under one minute.

“That’s nothing, I can do it less than that,” says a man with no arms.

He jumps in and struggles through the two lengths in a better time to the amazement of the crowd.

“Huh, I can do better than that,” says a man with no arms or legs.

He flops in and in an amazing feat of effort beats the previous time.

As the crowd congratulate the legless and armless man, a head with no body, pulling itself along by the tongue butts into the crowd.

“I’ll beat even that time,” he says.

He drags himself to the edge of the pool and drops in but sinks straight to the bottom.

An able bodied man jumps in and pulls him out. “What happened?” he asks.

“Cramp”, says the head.
