A teacher in class one day was asking students what they did at recess. First, she called on a little white boy named Timmy and asked him. He replied, “I played in the sand box”. The teacher said, “Good, now if you can spell ‘sand’ I’ll give you a fresh baked cookie”. He did and he received his reward.
Next, the teacher called on a litte white girl named Suzy and asked her what she did. She said “I played in the sand box with Timmy”. The teacher said, “Good now if you can spell ‘box’ I’ll give you a fresh baked cookie”. She spelled it and received her cookie.
Finally the teacher called on Billy, a little black boy and asked him what he did. He said, “I tried to play in the sand box with Timmy and Suzy but they threw rocks at me and I had to run away”.
The teacher then said, “Why that sounds like blatant racial discrimination…Now Billy if you can spell ‘blatant racial discrimination’ I’ll give you a fresh baked cookie”