Duck vs. Pharmacist

Once there was a duck and he walked in to a pharmacy and said,”Got any grapes?” to the Pharmacist.
The Pharmacist, confused, said, “We don’t sell grapes here, this is a pharmacy”.

So the duck left.
One day later the duck came back and asked the same question: “Got any grapes?”
The Pharmacist then replied, “We don’t sell grapes here”.
So the duck left.

Three days later the duck returned and ask for grapes again. The pharmacist was furious; he screamed, “We don’t sell grapes here! This is a pharmacy. The next time you come in here and ask for grapes I’m going to nail your feet to the floor”.
So the duck left.

One week later, the duck slowly came into the same pharmacy, went up to the same Pharmcist and said quietly, “Got any nails?”

“No, we don’t sell nails here,” said the pharmacist.

“Good. Got any grapes?”
