1. When you’re playing the piano, you frequently lose your grip on the bow.
2. You go to bed and accidentally fluff up your head.
3. You’re absolutely convinced nostalgia is a thing of the past.
4. You go to bed and purposely fluff up your head.
5. You purchase season tickets to the Super Bowl.
6. You have trouble picking your shadow out of a crowd.
7. You’ve caught yourself waving “Goodbye” instead of “Hello” when answering the telephone.
8. You put a higher antenna on your mailbox in an attempt to receive mail from farther away.
9. You go to bed and family members attempt to fluff up your head.
10. You fret over the fact that they never mention the hurricane’s last name.
11. You find yourself complaining to the waitress that the straw in your glass is upside down.
12. You find yourself wondering what branch of the military Captain Kangaroo was in.
13. Your neighbor’s radio blares at three A.M and you angrily call him up and demand that he change the station at once.
14.People repeat everything they say to you because you look way too stupid to grasp things the first time around.
15. People repeat everything they say to you because you look way too stupid to grasp things the first time around.
16. Your biggest worry about marriage is getting that little ring over your loved one’s head, down their arm, and onto their second finger.
17. You find yourself trying to convince a policeman who’s pulled you over for a burned-out headlight that he merely has one eye closed.
18. You worried about a sore that wouldn’t heal, only to find out later that it was a natural body opening.