Elementary, My Dear Watson Part 2

“Good afternoon, ladies,” says Sherlock Holmes to three women sitting on a park bench as he and his good friend Dr. Watson are taking an afternoon stroll through the park in London.

When they are out of earshot from the three women, Dr. Watson asks, “I say, Holmes, do you know those ladies back there?”

“No, Watson,” replies Holmes, “I don’t know the spinster, the prostitute and the new bride.”

Astonished, Watson asks again in a surprised voice, “Good heavens, Holmes! If you don’t know them, how can you be sure that they are who you say they are?”

“Elementary, my dear Watson,” replies Holmes. “Have you noticed how those women are eating the bananas as we pass by?”

“Yes so what about it?” wonders Watson.

“Well, the spinster holds the banana in her left hand and uses her right hand to break the banana into small pieces which she puts in her mouth.”

“Amazing,” says the smiling Watson. “What about the prostitute?”

“Simple! Have you observed how the prostitute holds the banana in both hands and crams it into her mouth?”

Eyes widening with discovery, Watson exclaims, “You’re right, Holmes! I never thought of that. How about the new bride?”

Flashing a wide grin, Holmes explains, “The new bride holds the banana in her left hand and uses her right hand to push her head towards the banana.”
