There once was a man named Tom who was going out with a woman named Lorraine. He thought Lorraine was THE one. They had been going out for years and he was thinking of finally proposing.
Tom was also the head of a company and one day his personal secretary of many years quit because of family issues. Tom was upset but contacted an agency to find his a suitable replacement. Immediatly they found one, named Clearly, and she was hired.
Now Clearly was stunning and Tom was besotted with her. He found it hard to hide his feelings for Clearly but promised himself that he would not see Clearly while he was going out with Lorraine. After two weeks it was obvious that Clearly felt the same way about Tom.
Tom felt horrible. He wanted to break the news to Lorraine as nicely as possible, it was the least he could do for her. So, he decided to tell her while he took her on a walk by the river.
Just as Tom was about to “drop the bomb” he looked away, as he couldn’t face the pain in Lorraine’s eyes, and heard a splash. He looked to where Lorraine had been standing and saw that she was gone. Lorraine had slipped on the wet grass by the bank and had fallen into the water and drowned.
Tom was stunned. He stood there for a few minutes taking in the events that had just happened. A big smile stretched across his face and he began to skip happily away. As he left you could hear him say,
“I can see Clearly now Lorraine has gone…”