1 Jan. Ad for female stenographer $5.00
2 Jan. Violets for new stenographer $7.50
6 Jan. Week’s salary for stenographer $225.00
9 Jan. Roses for stenographer $25.00
10 Jan. Candy for wife $4.50
12 Jan. Lunch for stenographer $35.00
13 Jan. Week’s salary for stenographer $300.00
16 Jan. Theater tickets for self and stenographer $75.00
19 Jan. Ice cream sode for wife $1.50
20 Jan. Virginia’s salary $375.00
23 Jan. Champagne and dinner for “Ginny” $160.00
25 Jan. Doctor for stupid stenographer $1500.00
25 Jan. Fur coat for wife $6800.00
27 Jan. Ad for male stenographer $5.00