falling bricks

One day this guy with a stuttering problem walked up to the foreman and said, “I wwwouldd lllike a jjob pppllleaase.”

The foreman said, “I would really like to son, but with that stuttering problem you have, I can’t. We have a lot of bricks that fall around here and by the time you got the words out, someone would get hurt.”

The stutterer said, “Bbbbutt I rrreally nnneed a jjobb.”

The foreman said, “Look, if you go home and practice saying ‘falling bricks’ and can say it without stuttering, I will give you a job.”

So the stutterer went home and practiced for two weeks, and came back. He walked up to the foreman and said, “I wwwould like that jjjobb now.”

The foreman said, “Let me hear you say falling bricks”

The stutter replied by saying, “ffallling bbricks.”

The foreman said that was pretty quick. So the foreman hired him and the first day went by and nothing happened.

The second day went by and nothing happened.

The third day went by and this stutter saw a brick falling right for the foreman.

He stuttered, “ffffffff…” and the brick hit the foreman and the stutterer said, “fffffucking got him!”
