Once a farmer bought a filly horse to bring home and
train to race in the horse races. He was unloading the
horse from his trailer, when his old stallion got a whiff of
the little horse. This caused the stallion to become uncontrollably wild. The stallion wanted to have his way
with the filly horse.
The farmer knew that this would pose a problem. So he
called the vet to see if he might have any sugestions. The
vet told him that he didn’t know what to suggest. He told
the farmer that he might try tying a sheet around the
filly horses bottom like a diaper. The farmer figured that he had nothing to lose and did so like the vet had said to try. He then went to bed for the night.
The next morning the farmer awoke and went to check
on his little horse. The horse was nowhere to be found. He
frantically searched everywhere but no luck. Then he
noticed hoof prints leading away from his farm. So, he
followed them. They lead the farmer down the road to the next farm. The only person that the farmer saw outside
was a small boy standing next to the barn. The farmer
approached the child and asked the boy if he had seen a
little filly horse come by with a sheet tied around its
bottom like a diaper. The boy replied, “No, but I saw one
run by here this morning with a handkerchief hanging out
its butt.”