There was a family who NEVER cussed or used bad words. One day the mother went to the butcher shop to get something for dinner.
The butcher recognized her and greeted her. “Hi Mrs. Jones, have I got something for you! This new imported ham arrived yesterday and boy is this Dam ham delicious!”
Mrs. Jones gasped and replied, “Mr. Smith, why I’m shocked at your language!”
“No, you don’t understand,” the butcher replied, THAT’S the name of this ham, Dam. It is called Dam ham, again, it’s imported. I’ll give you some to take home and try, on the house, okay?”
Mrs. Jones now understanding, and not to pass up a complimentary dinner item, said, “Okay” and off she went.
Prior to the start of dinner, while everyone was sitting and passing the plates around the table and getting their portions of food for their own plate, Mrs. Jones says to Mr. Jones, “Honey, pass the Dam ham.”
Hearing THIS their 13 year old son Mike says to his sister, “alright then, Julie, pass the fuckin butter!”