Girls vs. skis

Top Ten Reasons Why Skis are Better Than Girls

10. You can choose exactly what you want your skis to look like; short, long, straight, shaped, flat, plus they come in a variety of colors.

9. Your skis won’t talk back to you.

8. You can use your skis any time you want.

7. You can use both of your skis at the same time, and they won’t care.

6. After a day of skiing, one ski won’t turn to the next one and complain about how lousy of a skier you are.

5. You can use your skis, his skis, her skis, and maybe a snowboard or two and you won’t be known as a pimp.

4. You can wreck them, beat them up, slam them into trees, dent them, hit them, and jump on them and they won’t call the authorities.

3. While you are going down the mountain, your skis won’t stop you and try to talk about their feelings.

2. The thrills you get off skiing will last all day long

1. If you really wanted to you could make out with your skis, but after you do they will still be good for something.

The One and Only Reason Why Girls can be Better than Skis.

Your skis won’t clean your kitchen.
