An avid golfer goes to the local golf course to get in a couple hours of practice after work one day.
He hits a large bucket of balls on the driving range, but still hasn’t corrected the slice he’s working on.
Not having enough money to buy another bucket of balls and being all alone on the practice tee, he walks up the edge of the driving range picking up balls in the weeds and bushes so as not to be noticed.
Pretty soon, he can carry no more, so he stuffs twenty or so in the front pockets of his baggy pants until they are full.
Walking back to the tee, he notices a pretty young lady has come up to hit balls on the range also.
As he gets closer, she notices the bulges in his pants and makes a strange expression on her face.
Seeing this, the golfer is a little embarrassed and, wanting to explain, says, “Oh…they’re just golf balls…”
The young lady looks at him sympathetically and says, “Wow, is that anything like tennis elbow?”