A bellhop at a really nice resort takes a young couple up to the bridal suite, and drops off all their luggage. A short while later, he sees the groom heading out of the lobby, wearing waders and carrying a fishing rod and a tackle box.
He is a little puzzled, so he goes over to the groom and says, “Excuse me sir, but shouldn’t you be upstairs making love to your wife?”
The groom replies, “Well, I would, but she has a bad case of syphilis.”
The bellboy asks, “Then what about anal sex?”
The groom replies, “She has chronic diarrhea, too.”
The bellboy says, “There’s always oral sex, right?”
The groom sighs and says, “She has a severe mouth fungus that is highly contagious.”
The bellboy is shocked, and says, “I know that this isn’t any of my business, but why the hell did you marry her?”
The groom says, “Well, she’s got worms too, and I LOVE to fish!”