Growing Wild!

One day a twenty-something man stepped out of the shower and caught his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He said to himself, “Hmmm – you know, if it weren’t for these tan lines, I’d have a great tan.” Unfortunately, this guy is too shy to go to a nude beach. But he is determined to have an even all-over tan.

He begins to scout of isolated beaches, and he finally discovers one which is almost inaccessible. He decides that the next weekend with warm weather he’s going to even out his tan.

As luck would have it, the next Saturday was a perfect day. The young man packs up his sun tan lotion, a blanket, and a few other items to make himself comfortable and he heads off to his secluded beach where he practically has to scale down the side of a cliff to get to level sand.

After slathering his body with lotion the guy settles down for a peaceful day. Suddenly, he realizes that although he’s going to tan the are previously covered by his swim suit, he’s also going to deepen his existing tan. This simply won’t do. So the guy carefully buries himself in the sand everywhere his body is already tanned, leaving the untanned skin exposed.

About 10 minutes later, two little old ladies stroll along the beach. The first one nudges her friend and says, “Hey, Eunice, will you look at that! When I was 20 I was afraid of it. When I was 40 I couldn’t get enough of it. When I was 60 I had to pay for it. Now I’m 80 . . . and it’s growing wild!”
