One day during class, the teacher decided to play a guessing game with her students.
She said, “I’ll hold something behind my back, give a couple of clues, and whoever guesses what it will win lunch on me.”
“Okay,” the teacher said, “the first item is round, red, and has seeds.”
Katie raised her hand said, “Is it an apple?”
“Sorry Katie it’s not an apple, it’s a tomato, but I like the way your thinking.”
“The second object is oblong, brown, and you can boil it.”
Patty raised her hand and replied, “Is it a potato?”
“No it’s not a potato, it’s an egg, but I like the way you’re thinking.”
Then Billy raised his hand and said, “Teacher, I have something in my pocket, it’s round, hard, and has a head on it. Can you guess what it is?”
Apalled by the boy’s question, the teacher told him to march himself right down to the principal’s office because she would not tolerate such language in her classroom.
Billy smirked, reached into his pocket and said, “Actually it’s a quarter, but I like the way you’re thinking!”