Heavenly Parts!!!

The teacher of a third grade class was having a discussion about what body parts go to heaven first. She asked her students which they thought and Sarah, Jake and Little Jonny in the back raised their hands. The teacher thought to herself that she better not ask Jonny because he would just say something perverted. So she asked Sarah.

Sarah: “The head because you have to be smart to get into heaven.”

Then the teacher asked Jake.

Jake: “Your heart because you have to have a good heart to get into heaven.”

The teacher looked around the class and Jonny was the only one with his hand up, so she finally called on him.

Jonny: “Your feet”

The teacher was relieved that he didn’t say something dirty so she asked him, “Why your feet?”

Jonny: “Because I was at the door of my parents’ room and my mom was on the bed with her legs in the air yelling ‘oh g-d! I’m cummin!'”
