An elderly woman went to Chicago representing her small church delegation at a religious conference.
After checking into the hotel, she entered the elevator to go to her room. When she looked up, she noticed that there were two incredibly large black men in the elevator next to another mid-size black man. Being from a small town and having never been to the big city, the woman was terrified.
As the elevator door closed and the woman turned around one of the men said (in a strong authoritative voice), “Hit the floor!” The woman froze in horror, ready to drop to the ground.
The woman turned around to face her attackers. At this point the man said, “Which floor, lady!”
When the men realized what she had thought they were doing, they burst out laughing. As she exited the elevator at her correct floor she could still hear them laughing as the elevator ascended upwards.
The next day the woman was checking out of the hotel and asked to see her bill. The hotel clerk handed her the bill. On it was this note. “I have paid your bill with pleasure. You have given me one of the best laughs ever! Signed, Eddie Murphy.”
(True story, as told to me by Becki Patten)