Jane entered the kitchen one morning, reached to turn on
the light, and it didn’t work.
After replacing the bulb, still no light. When John, her
husband, came home, she said “Honey, the light switch is
broken. Could you fix it for me please?
To which John replied while displaying proudly the front
of his TShirt, “Do you see ‘Electrician’ written on the
front of this shirt?” Jane said nothing.
Next day John came home and Jane said, “Honey, the
cabinet door fell off today. Could you put it back on for
me please?” To which John, of course, replied, “Do you
see ‘Carpenter’ written anywhere on the front of this
Next day John came home and Jane said, “Honey, the
water pipe under the sink is leaking. Could you fix it for
me please?” Right! John replied, “Do you see ‘plumber’
written anywhere on the front of this shirt?”
Next day John came home and the light switch was
working, the cabinet door had been replaced, and the
pipe wasn’t leaking. John said, “I see you found some
good repairmen”. To which Jane replied, “No, I just
called the neighbor next door.” John asked, “Oh really?
And how much did he charge?”
Jane laughed and said, “He didn’t charge anything. He
said I could just bake him some “goodies” or we could
trade it out in sex.” To which, of course, John asked,
“Well, what kind of “goodies” did you bake for him?”
And Jane said proudly while displaying the front of her
shirt, “Honey,do you see Betty Crocker written on here