A guy walks into a bar and sees a long line of people and a horse. Next to the horse he sees a large jar full of money. He asks the bartender what was going on. The bartender says “If you wait in that line, drop a five in that jar and make my horse laugh, you get to keep the money.” The guy decides to give it a try. He drops his five and leans in and whispers in the horse’s ear. The horse starts to laugh and soon he was laughing so hysterically, he fell down in laughter. The guy grabs the jar and leaves the bar.
The following week, the guy returns to the bar, and again there is a line of people and a jar full of money. He asks the bartender what was going on, and he said that this time, you have to make the horse cry to get the money. The guy decided to give it a try. He drops his five and takes the horse by the reins and leads it outside. A few minutes go by and the guy returns with the horse in tears. The guy grabs the jar and heads for the door. The bartender says, “Wait a minute, you came in here and took my money last week, and you are doing it again, I have to know, how did you make my horse laugh, and how did you make him cry?”
The guy said “It was easy, to make him laugh I told him I had a bigger penis than he did, to make him cry, I took him outside and showed him.”