How do you draw….. boobs!

Have you ever wondered how you draw breasts on the computer? You know how to draw faces =) asses (_|_) and animals O3“““ ~~~~~(_____*> but NO ONE can draw boobs. So I’ll show you.

(o)(o) Perfect breasts

(+)(+) Fake silicone breasts

(*)(*) High nipple breasts

(@)(@) Big nipple breasts

00 A cups

{O}{O} D cups

(oYo) Wonderbra breasts

(^)(^) Cold breasts

(o)(O) Lopsided breasts

(Q)(O) Pierced breasts

(p)(p) Breasts with tassels

\o/\o/ Grandma breasts

( – )( – ) Flat against the Shower Door breasts

IoIIoI Android breasts

($)($) Jenny McCarthy’s breasts

(_)(_) No nipples!

( ‘ )( ‘ ) High nipples

So now you know!!

Also, this is a breast joke.

God created the world and it was good. God created Woman with three breasts. God said, “Is there any wish of yours I can fulfill, daughter?” and Woman said, “Yes. Remove my middle breast.” And it was done and it was good. “What about the left over boob?” asked Woman. And God created Man.



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