How to get a FREE MEAL!

Follow the instructions demonstrated in the dialogue shown, and YOU can get a free meal. No law-breaking is involved. This incident really happened….

Enter any eating establishment, which does NOT have a dining counter.

Here’s how the conversation with the host/hostess MIGHT proceed:

“I’d like to sit at the counter.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, but we don’t have a counter.”

“Yes you do.”

“No, I’m sorry, but we do not.”

“You have no counter at all, in this establishment?”

“No Sir, we do not.”

“If I PROVE to you that you DO have a counter here, may I have a free meal?”

“Sure! Why not?” (giggles)

“OK. 1…2…3…4…5…”

“Excuse me, Sir. What are you doing?”

“6…7…8 I’m counting. 9…10…11…”


“Because I am a COUNTER, and I am HERE! 12…13…14…”


“No, I’m not a BUTT; I am a COUNTER! 15…16…17…18…”

I was immediately ushered to a seat and the restaurant Manager came over and placed a doughnut and a cup of coffee in front of me.

“Too bad we never defined the word ‘meal,’ right?”

I smiled at him, stood up, and slowly undid my belt buckle. The Manager got a little bit concerned.

“What are you doing now, Sir?”

“Well,” I began, “since we are defining words, I am going to publicly illustrate the SECOND DEFINITION for the word ‘STOOL’!”

The Manager’s face turned ashen as he said, “Our steak & lobster is the best in town, Sir.”

“Good! Tell the chef not to spit on it in retaliation, OK?”
