A man decides that he is going to have a party and invite everyone he knows and tells them to bring friends. On the invitation he puts “theme party — come as a human emotion”.
On the night of the party the first guest arrives and he opens the door to see a guy covered in green paint with the letters n and v on his chest. He says, “That’s a great costume, what emotion have you come as?” The man replies, “I am green with envy.” He says, “That’s brilliant, come on in and drink.”
The doorbell rings again and he opens it to see a woman standing there in a pink body suit with a white feather boa. He says, “Great costume, what emotion have you come as?” She replies, “I?m tickled pink.” “Awesome, come on in and meet everyone.”
The door bell rings a third time and this time he answers it and there’s two guys standing there naked, one has his penis in a bowl of custard and the other has his penis in a pear. He says, “What are you guys doing? You can go to jail walking around like this. What emotion are you supposed to be?”
The first guy replies, “Well I?m fucking disgusted, and my friend here has come in despair.”