More Things You’d Never Have Known If Not For the Movies:
If you overpower a sentry or guard, his uniform will fit you perfectly.
It is possible to brush your teeth without any toothpaste foam appearing on your lips.
Handsome men don’t belch or fart.
If you’re a team of misfits and losers, you’ll win the championship.
In a large city, the streets are always wet at night.
Most bathrooms do not have a toilet.
All orphans can sing and dance, both alone and in groups.
You’ll find a parking space in front of your building in New York.
A person wearing a good latex mask can deceive even close friends of the person the mask depicts.
It usually rains during outdoor funerals.
Police officers may beat the daylights out of a suspect in the course of an arrest, but are careful to guide him gently into the squad car so he doesn’t bump his head.