Insult To Injury

A young lady and her new born baby was happily sitting in passenger train when suddenly a drunk appeared out of nowhere and looked at the baby and said, “That’s an ugly baby. A very ugly baaby!”

Feeling insulted and totally mortified she called the conductor. She told the conductor, “This man has insulted me. I do not want to be here on this train with him. Please stop this train immediately so I can get off!”

The conductor said, “Maam, please forgive me. I am very sorry that this has happened. I would like to accommodate you but the train cannot stop until Chicago.”

He continued, “I would like to offer you my apology for this incident. For your inconvenience, I would like you to go to the dining car and have a complimentary dinner. And while you’re back there, why don’t you get a banana for your monkey.”
