A man was brought into the hospital care ward, put in a bed, had tubes coming out everywhere. A week later, another man was admitted in a similar condition. Both lay there, machines pinging, tubes poking, etc., for a couple more weeks before one of them had the strength to raise his hand and point to himself and say: “Scottish.”
The other signaled he had heard, raised his own hand and said: “Irish.”
This act tired them out so badly that it was a week before the first one summoned up the strength to say: “Glasgow.”
Again, the second replied in a weedy, frail voice: “Dublin.”
Once more, the strain was too much for them both, and they passed out. Days passed before the first man managed to again point to himself and say: “Jimmy.”
Replied the other: “Paddy”
A few hours later, Jimmy managed to point to himself again and rasp out weakly: “Cancer.”
Paddy responded: “Sagittarius.”