joe mama

yo mama is so dumb she thought that a quarterback was a refund.




  1. Joe mama soooo fat that the sientists clasified you as a small planet

  2. Yo mama so ugly, she makes blind children cry.
    Yo mama so ugly, rice krispies wont talk to her.
    Yo mama so ugly, Freddie Kruger is jelous.
    Yo mama so ugly, I took her to a haunted house and she came out with a job application.
    Yo mama so stupid, when I told her to get a color TV, she said what color?
    Yo mama so stupid, she gave birth to you!
    Yo Mama so stupid, she took a spoon to the superbowl.
    Yo Mama so stupid, she tried to drown a fish!
    Yo Momma so fat, she could sell shade
    Yo mama so white, she gets a sunburn standing in front of the TV
    Yo mama so white, she makes Michael Jackson look black

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