Johnny’s Magic

Little Johnny is walking down the laneway one morning with something cupped in his hands. An old farmer sitting on the porch sees him coming and wonders what he is up to.

“Hey little Johnny, whatcha got there in your hands?”

Johnny replies, “Got me a bullfrog…goin to town to get me a bull.”

The old farmer just chuckles. A short while later, here comes Johnny leading a bull. The old farmer scratches his head in amazement.

Next day, here comes Johnny down the lane again with something cupped in his hands. The old farmer looks up and asks again, “Johnny, whatcha got in your hands?”

Johnny replies, “Got me a horsefly…goin to town to get me a horse.”

The old farmer sits back and waits. Sure enough, a short while later, here comes Johnny leading a horse. The old guy is stunned.

Very next morning, here comes Johnny down the laneway with something in his hands. The old farmer looks up and asks, “Johnny, whatcha got in your hands today?”

Johnny replies, “Got me a pussy willow…goin to town…”

“Wait for me, I’m comin with you!” yells the old farmer.
