Laid off

A man owns a business and has two employees; Jane and Jack.

They are both very good employees but business has been bad and he finds he has to cut back on staff and lay one of them off. But which one? They are both equally industrious and productive.

He wracks his brains for hours and finally decides that he will watch them the next day and lay off the first one that takes a break.

Well, the next day comes and the man is watching but both Jack and Jane are being very industrious. Neither of them so much as looks up from their desk for hours. And then, finally, shortly before lunch, Jane gets up and goes to the water cooler.

The man gets up and joins her at the water cooler to deliver the bad news.

“Jane,” he says. “I have to lay you or Jack off.”

She replies, “Can you jack off? I have a headache.”
