Lil Johnny wants a new Bike

Little Johnny was so rotton that his mother didn’t know what to do with him. It was getting close to his birthday and he was demanding a new bicycle. His mother told him that he had been so bad during the year that he wasn’t going to get ANYTHING. He whined and complained and stamped his feet–demanding the bike. His mother, in desperation and just trying to shut him up, said, “Why don’t you write a letter to Jesus and ask Him for the bicycle?”
So Johnny went to his room, got out pencil and paper and proceeded to ask Jesus for a new bike.

“Dear Jesus, I promise I will be good for SIX whole weeks if only you will give me a bicycle!” —He looked at what he wrote—knew he could not be good for that long and tore up the letter. He started again–“Dear Jesus. I will be good for THREE whole weeks if only you will give me a bicycle.” Once again, he had written the impossible and tore up the letter. “Dear Jesus, How does ONE week sound?” again, he tore it up.

Finally, he sneaked into his mother’s room, stole a statue of the Virgin Mary, hid it in his underwear drawer, and wrote, “Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again–I’d better get that new bike!”
