Limousine in Heaven

A Pope died and went to Heaven and was met by St. Peter.
St. Peter greeted him warmly and said, “Sir you have been such a good servant, We would like to offer you anything you want too make you feel at home”.

The Pope said, “I have always thought I would like to drive through Heaven in a long white limousine”.

St. Pete said, “I’m sorry, that’s the one thing that we can’t grant”.

The Pope said, “I understand” and walked away.

About that time, a long white limosine pulled up to the curb and a man got out.

The Pope went back to St. Peter and said, “I thought you didn’t have any limosines in Heaven”.

“I didn’t say we don’t have any, I just said you can’t have one.

The Pope asked, a little dejected, “Who is he and why does he get one?”.

“He is a lawyer,” replied St. Peter.

“I still don’t understand”, protested the Pope.

“Look”, said St. Peter, “We have hundreds of Popes, thousands of cardinals and bishops, but he is the only lawyer…”
