Little Johnny & the hat

Little Johnny woke up one morning with the shits, so he asked his his mom if he could stay home. She told him he could stay home from school, but only if he went to the store to get some medicine first.

Johnny asked her what would he do if he had to shit on the way there, or on the way back home. She gave him a hat and told him to go in it if he couldn’t wait. Well, little Johnny took off to the store. Nothing happened on the way there; he went in the store and bought to medicine with no problems. But as soon as he started home, it hit him. so little Johnny ran around the building to relieve himself in the alley.

Just as he was finishing, the local pastor was walking around the corner. So Johnny put the hat over the shit to hide it from the pastor.

“What’s under the hat, little Johnny?” asked the pastor.

“The fastest animal in the world,” said little Johnny.

“You know that I don’t like liars, little Johnny,” said the pastor.

“Honestly, I have caught the fastest animal in the world under this hat,” replied little Johnny.

“Well, let me see it then,” demanded the pastor.

“If I remove the hat, it will run away,” said little Johnny. “But I’ll tell you what we can do. You put your hands down close to the hat, and when I raise the hat up, you catch the animal with your hands.”

So the pastor put his hands done by the hat like little Johnny said. When little Johnny raised the hat, -BLAM-, the pastor clapped his hands together. He opened his hands up and saw nothing but shit.

“See I told you it was the fastest animal in the world,” little Johnny said. “It’s so fast that it shitted and ran!”
