One day a boy came home from school with a problem. His dick was too big. He said to his mother, “Mom, my dick’s too big, what should I do?” She replied, “Ask your father about that.”
So, the boy entered the living room and said to his father, “Dad, my dick’s too big, what should I do?”
He answered, “Paint it red and call it your Little Red Mouse.”
The boy did as he was told and went to school the next day. Proud of his mouse, he let his dick hang out of his pants. His teacher noticed this and said, “What is that, young man?” He told her that it was his Little Red Mouse. The teacher then said, “Well, you and your Little Red Mouse are going to the Principal’s office.”
He walked towards the office, but stopped when he saw his girlfriend walking out of the bathroom. With a smile, she said, “What’s that?” He told her of his Little Red Mouse. To the boy’s surprise, his girlfriend lifted up her skirt and said, “Sick ’em Pussy, sick ’em!!!”