Two rednecks named Bob & Earl were sick of being called stupid, so they decided to go to college and get an education.
Bob went in first and got his schedule.
“Math, Science, and Logic.” he read.
Now Bob knew about Science and Math but had never heard of Logic, so he asked a professer just what it meant.
“Well,” began the professer, “Do you have a weedeater?”
“Yep.” answered Bob.
“Ok, since you have a weedeater, I assume you have a yard.”
“Yep that’s right!” replied bob
“Since you have a yard, I assume you have a house.”
“Yep thats right too!”
“Since you have a house I assume you have a wife.” continued the professer.
“Betty Lu! WOW!”
“And since you have a wife, I assume you are hetrosexual.”
“Sure am! Thanks sir I understand this here Logic stuff now!”
So Bob, feeling very smart went back outside and found Earl.
“So what classes did you get?” asked Bob.
“Well, I got Math, English and Logic.” replied Earl, “What’s Logic?”
“Well I’ll explain it to you Earl!” said Bob, “DO you have a weedeater?”
“No.” replied Ed.
Bob: “Your queer aint ya?”