A man wins the lottery and decides to buy a new house, so he goes to the estate agent and says to the agent, “I wanna buy the biggest most expensive house you’ve got!” So the agent says, “Ahh, I’ve been saving something special for an occasion like this.”
The agent takes the man up to the house and shows him around. The man likes what he sees and is about to buy the house, when the agent says, “There’s just one thing, follow me.” The agent goes all the way to the end of the garden and the man follows, he tip toes through a mine field at the end of the garden and the man follows exactly where the agent stepped. Then they swim across a lake and jump over a 9ft wall where there’s a cage with a giant gorilla inside. The agent says to the man, “Every day you have feed this gorilla one banana, but whatever you do, don’t touch him.” The man says, “Fine, I’ll take it.”
Months pass and every day the man feeds the gorilla a banana. When one day he thinks to himself, “What could possibly happen if I touch him?” He strokes the gorilla and it starts going mad! The gorilla breaks out of the cage and starts chasing the man, the man jumps over the wall and breathes a sigh of relief. The gorilla punches through the wall, so the man swims across the lake and tip toes through the mine field. He stands on the other side and thinks to himself, “He’ll never catch me now.” The gorilla starts swimming accross the lake and then tip toes through the mine field. The man runs up the garden and into the house, he runs up to his bedroom and hides in the closet. The gorilla follows, and the man can hear him getting louder and louder, “Grr….grr….grr!” The gorilla comes into the bedroom and walks over to the closet, it rips open the closet door and says to the man, “Tag, you’re it!”