Stage 1: Kissing/Light Petting
What he hopes you’re thinking: “Oh, I can’t resist: I’m powerless before your seductive ways!”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “Garlic breath–ewwww!”
Stage 2: Undressing
What he hopes you’re thinking: “My God, look at the size of that!”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “My God, look at the size of that!”
Stage 3: Foreplay/Oral Sex
What he hopes you’re thinking: “I could worship at the altar of your impressive manhood for hours.”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “If he doesn’t warn me before he cums, I’m going to kill him.”
Stage 4: Penetration
What he hopes you’re thinking: “You stallion, you’re splitting me in half!”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “Is it in yet?”
Stage 5: Your Orgasm
What he hopes you’re thinking: “Yes, (his name here), yes!”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “I deserve an Academy Award for this performance.”
What he’s even more afraid you’re thinking: “Yes, (other guy’s name here), yes!”
Stage 5: Postcoital Bliss
What he hopes you’re thinking: “Now I know what an earthquake feels like.”
What he’s afraid you’re thinking: “Maybe I should let my lesbian friend Sue take me to that females-only dance club after all.”