Military Bravery

A Colonel, a General, and an Admiral were discussing which military branch had the most balls.

The Colonel took the General and Admiral to one of his Air Force bases and told one of the airmen there to jump from a flying plane at 30,000 feet. With a quick salute, the airman did as he was told. He went up in the plane and jumped without a parachute at 30,000 feet and splattered all over the place.
The Colonel said “Now that’s balls.”

The General took the Colonel and the Admiral to one of his Army bases and told a soldier to stand in front of a tank and catch the bullet. The soldier saluted smartly and marched off. He stood in front of the tank and got hit squarely with the shell and exploded.
The General said, “Now that’s balls”

The Admiral took the Colonel and General to one of his Navy bases and took them out to one of the ships. The Admiral found a sailor up in an antenna array and told him to jump down to the deck 90 feet below. The sailor looked down and said to the Admiral, “Fuck you, sir.”
The Admiral looked at his companions and said, “Now THAT’S balls.”
