One day a gentleman and his wife were shopping in an antiques store when she happened across an old, sadly-tarnished mirror. He was indifferent to the pending purchase, and as the woman haggled over price with the attendant, the history of the mirror was revealed.
The attendant stated that this was a magic mirror and any wish which was cast upon it would come true. The only stipulation was that the wish must be asked in the form of a poem.
The woman was intrigued by the story and agreed upon a fair price for the mirror. She took it home and had her husband hang the mirror on the door to their bedroom.
That night after her husband was asleep, she crept over to the mirror and placed her first wish, “Mirror, mirror on my door, make by boobs size 44!”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, “Wham!” her breasts began to grow. She then went back over to the bed and woke her husband up.
He was shocked and he had to know how this happened. His wife relayed the poetic wish to him and he was amazed at what the mirror could do.
He went to work the next day and pondered at what his wish should be. He finally had his wish in mind. He waited until that night after his wife went to sleep and made his wish, “Mirror, mirror on the door, make my penis touch the floor.”
And “Wham!” his legs fell off.