Monks in the train station

A group of novitiates had been in monastery surroundings for a year and a half were allowed a trip to visit an associate brotherhood in the city of Pittsburg. They went to the train station, but upon arrival were nervous by the prospect of approaching the very busty ticket clerk wearing a lowcut blouse.

After exchanging uneasy glances, the bravest of the bunch stepped forward and said: “I’d like five tits to Pittsburg.” Realizing what he had said, he blushed furiously and retreated.

A second novitiate stepped up to the window, and after clearing his throat said: “I’d like five TICKets to Tittsburg, please.” Appalled by his mistake, he too turned away.

A third member of the group stepped forward, and enunciating very carefully said: “I’d like five tickets to Pittsburg, please. And give me the change in nipples and dimes.” Aghast, he slinked away.

Finally, the brother in charge of seeing them off stepped to the window to sternly reprimand the woman for her suggestive clothing. “Young lady, I’m certain that in Heaven at this moment, St. Finger is shaking his peter at you!”
