One day the teacher is explaining to her class about morals.
She tells them about how her grandfather would raise chickens and that each morning, he would go out, gather the eggs, put them into cartons and carry them to the supermarket to sale. One day he ran out of cartons, so he put all his eggs into a basket, put the basket onto the back of his truck, and headed into town. Along the way, he hit a pothole, the basket fell over, and all the eggs were broken.
The moral of this story is “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”

One of her students told of how her father had raised chickens also, but that he would gather the eggs, put them under a heat lamp and in 21 days the eggs would hatch. He would then sale the chicks for $.50 each. One time he was short of cash, and knowing that he had 200 eggs, he went into town and bought things on credit. when the 21st day came, only 15 eggs hatched and he was in big trouble.
The moral of her story was,”don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”

Then a little boy in her class stood up and told about his uncle Chester.

Uncle Chester was a paratrooper in the Army, and he fought in Vietnam. One day he jumped out of an airplane with nothing but h is M-16, a 50 round clip, and a case of beer. Before he had dropped very far, he had drank the beer and now was lighter. The wind caught his parachute and carried him over the enemy lines. He landed in the middle of a camp that had 60 enemy soldiers in it. He took his gun and killed fifty of them.
Then he grabbed his rifle, and started swinging it until he broke the handle off, but he had killed another 8 of the enemy soldiers. That was when he grabbed the other two with his bare hands and killed them.

To this the teacher was speechless and stated that this story was not useful because it didn’t have a moral, to which the little boy replied; “Of course it does.”
The moral of this story was “you don’t want to fuck with my uncle Chester when he’s been drinking”
