There was this guy named Joe. Ever since he was born, he has always been 2nd at everything. His baby stroller was always slower than the other kids’, his tricycle was old and rusted and had wobbly wheels, his first bike was a piece of junk, his first car wouldn’t go over 35 m.p.h.
So Joe resigned himself to a life of slowness, never able to win a race in his life. Until one day, when his rich uncle died and left him a million dollars.
Joe spent the entire million on a new super car. Custom built. It would go 400 m.p.h.!
Once the car was built, Joe took it out on the road, and tried to find someone to dragrace. But there was no one.
Finally, a kid on a crappy little bike rode up to Joe and said, “Hey, mister, ya wanna drag?”
Joe thought “Oh, great some dumb kid, this is humiliating. Oh well, there’s no one else to race, what have I got to lose?”
So they were at the starting line, the kid on his crappy little bike, and Joe in his super car.
“Ready, set, go!”
Joe took off, leaving the kid in the dust. Within seconds, he was cruising at a comfortable 100.
“Well, that was easy, might as well look for a real challenge”.
Then Joe looked in his rear-view mirror, and there was the kid, gaining on him! The kid just zoomed right past him!
So Joe shifted to 2nd gear, and accellerated to 200. Zoom, overtook the kid.
Checking his rear-view, Joe saw the kid gaining on him again! And soon, passing him again!
“Dang! What the hell kind of bike does this kid have?!?”
Joe shifted into 3rd, and shortly after reaching 300 m.p.h., passed the kid again.
For a while.
Soon the kid overtook Joe, who shifted in to 4th gear and passed the kid at 400 m.p.h. — but was soon passed by the kid again!!!
“What the hell is going on here?!?”
All of a sudden Joe’s car broke down and came to a stop. Joe was not in a good mood at this point. As he sat there, dejected, the kid whizzed by the other way. A while later, the kid came back from the other direction.
This went on for a quite a while, back and forth. “Little brat’s showing off, rubbing it in”, thought Joe.
After a while the kid slowed down and pulled up to Joe’s not so super car.
“He’s going to laugh at me”, Joe thought as he rolled down the driver side window.
But instead, the kid just said, “Hey, mister, I’m sure glad you stopped! My suspender was caught in your bumper!”