A farmer had 250 hens he wanted to mate, but his rooster was old and he needed a new one. He went to see his neighbor, and after some haggling over the price, which he thought was too high, he took home a young rooster. When he got back to the farm, he told the rooster that he could take his time, because he had no competition, and he should enjoy himself.
He turned him loose in the hen house and he mated with all of the hens, some of them twice. The farmer watched him and told him several times that there was no need to hurry, but he did not get his point across.
When the rooster finally emerged from the hen house, he spotted a cow and tried to mate with it as well as with a horse, pig, goat and some sheep. The farmer told him he was overdoing it.
The next morning the farmer went out into the farm yard and saw the rooster lying on his side. He just knew that he overdid it and was dead, because he noticed some buzzards flying in circles in the sky.
When he came to where the rooster was lying on the ground, he said: “If you would have listened to me, you would be still be alive and would have a lot of good times ahead of you.”
The rooster opened one eye, and said: “Shhh… don’t make any noise, those buzzards are getting closer!”