new truck

There was this truckie talking to his boss about the new truck that had arrived and the boss was telling the truckie to take it to depot 1 which was over the other side of the city, telling the truckie,

“Look mate, this is a brand new truck. I want you to take it over to depot one and if you get into any trouble in the least, call me and I’ll sort it out.”

So off the truckie goes and as fate has it he rings his boss 1 hour later telling him,

“Boss I just ran over this huge pig and it’s stuck under the truck. It came out of nowhere!” The boss got worried and asked if there was anything wrong with the truck. On being told there wasn’t, the boss told the truckie to gut the pig then he would be able to drag it out and chuck it in the bushes. So the truckie did and then called back 15 minutes later saying,

“Yeah boss, I gutted the pig and through it in the bushes …but what the hell do I do with his motorbike?”
