Bubba Wilkes goes in to see Dr. Smith.
“Dr. Smith…I’ve got a problem!” exclaimed Bubba.
“Just what seems to be the matter, Bubba?” remarked Dr. Smith.
“Well, I’ve been having hot flashes on and off for the last 3 weeks and it’s really getting to bother me. Can you check me out to find out what’s wrong?”
“No problem, Bubba,” said Dr. Smith. “You know we have one of the best labs in the country next door. We’ll do the tests and get the results to you in about three days.” Bubba got all the tests done and went home.
About three hours later Bubba got a call from Dr. Smith. “Hey, Bubba? This is Dr. Smith. I want you to come back to the office right away. The lab rushed the tests through and we have to talk. Can you come out right now?” Dr Smith said in a worrisome tone.
Bubba rushed out the door of his house… piled into his pickup…sped to the Dr.’s office….barged into the office…bolted open Dr. Smith’s door and said almost out of breath, “Dr. Smith. What’s up? You got me pretty scared/ You told me it was going to be three days before you get the results back and it’s only been three hours. What’s the deal?”
Dr. Smith said in a matter of fact way, “Bubba, I know you are excited. Please sit down….here’s the deal. We rushed the tests through and checked the results three times and there is no question that you have a pretty big problem.”
“What is it? What did you find?”
“Well, it’s not good news. You need to brace yourself….We found that you have aids, gonnorhea, syphillis and on top of all that you have a really bad case of malaria.”
“Dr. Smith…what can I do? I’ll do anything!” Bubba remarked.
“Well, Bubba, we have a solution for you that will help. We’re going to put you on a pizza and pancake diet. All my colleagues have agreed this is the only thing we can do” said Smith.
“Hey…I’ll do anything at this point…but…let me ask you…why pizza and pancakes, doc?”
“Well, frankly speaking, Bubba, that’s the only thing we could think of to slip underneath the door.”