Now that’s magic!

A man walks into a bar and asks for a shot. After he drinks it he looks into his shirt pocket shakes his head and asks for another one.

This goes on for a few hours until the bartender starts getting curious. He walks up to the man and asks him what the hell he’s doing.

“This is the way it goes”, he answers, “I have a picture of my wife in my pocket. I drink until she looks good and then I can finally go home.”

The same man is walking through a mountain path. After walking for five days he finds a cave on the mountain side. He goes inside and finds a lantern.

While he’s trying to light it he accidentally rubs it and *poof*, a genie appears. “You are my master”, the genie says. “Your wish is my command, tell me any single wish and I will grant it”.

The man is totally astounded and shakingly asks, “I wish you could make Iraq be at peace with the world”.

The genie, quite embarrassed, answers, “Listen I’d love to grant your wish but I don’t know where that is.”

The man answers, “Well I got a picture of my wife here. My
wish is that you make her beautiful.”

The genie takes one look at the picture and quickly replies, “Where did you say this Iraq is?”
