An airoplane is about to crash land. The pilot yells over the intercom to the passengers to throw something out the window so that the crash won’t be as bad. A young irish blonde throws out a case o whisky, a big english bloke lobs out a case o cigs and an Iraq phsyco throws out a bomb. Five minutes later a women is walking along a street. She see’s a little girl crying. “What’s the matter dear?” she asks. “A big case of whisky fell on me ‘ead” the girl replies. The women keeps on walking and she see’s another little girl crying. “What’s the matter dear?” she asks. “A big case of cigs fell on my head” the girl replies. The woman walks on and she see’s a little fat kid rolling on the floor pissing himself laughing. “What are you laughing about” she asks. “Ha ha ha! I farted and that f*****g building behind me blew up!