One day a boy was walking home from school when he came across an Indian and an elephant. The Indian noticed the little boy and said, “This elephant tell how old you are.”
And the boy said, “Yeah, right!”
Then the elephant stompped his feet ten times and the boy said, “Yes I am ten years old!”
So he went home and told his mom and the mom went to the Indian with the elephant and the Indian said, “This elephant tell how old you are.”
And the mom said, “There’s no way an elephant can tell how old I am!”
Then the elephant stomped his feet 37 times, and the mother said, “Oh my gosh, that’s right.”
So the boy and the mother went home and told the dad. So the dad came and the Indian said, “This elephant tell how old you are.”
And the dad scowled, “Yeah right, an elephant can’t tell how old I am!”
Then the elephant farted and stomped its feet twice. And the father said, “See I told you, an elephant cannot tell how old I am…”
And the Indian said, “This elephant say you are farty two.”