On Second Thought

A young gay man calls up his mother to tell her that he is giving up being gay as he has met the woman who, he believes, is his soul mate. In fact he says, “We are so much in love that we plan to get married next month! That’s why I called you. I’m sure you will be happy to know that I have turned my back on the gay lifestyle.”

“I am very happy indeed,” says his mother. “But would it be too much to ask if she is also Jewish?”

The man says, “Mother, not only is she Jewish, she comes from a wealthy Beverly Hills family.”

“That is wonderful news!” The mother then asks, “Tell me, what is the name of my future daughter-in-law?”

The man says, “Monica Lewinsky.”

There was a long moment of silence on the other end – so long that the man is alarmed. Fearing that she may have fainted or worse, he says, “Mother, are you still there?”

“I’m still here,” says the mother. “Now whatever happened to that nice Catholic boy you were dating last year?”
