Mommy Mommy
Mommy Mommy why is everyone running? SHUT UP, and reload.
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Mommy Mommy why is everyone running? SHUT UP, and reload.
Sign on the wall of the local brothel: “It’s a…
(sung to tune of the Macarena) by Adam Sandler *************************************…
A guy has a friend who just moved his business.…
There was an alien man and a human man talking…
Q: Do you know why blind people don’t skydive? A:…
Can you imagine the first cow ever made? It would…
At the 1998 World Women’s Conference the first speaker from…
1. A guitar has a volume knob. 2. If you…
One day in The Garden Of Eden, Eve was playing…
Dear Customers: It has come to our attention that a…
A Frenchman, an Englishman, and a New Yorker were captured…