Red Shirt
One day an English ship is sailing along, when suddenly…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
One day an English ship is sailing along, when suddenly…
One sunny summer day four rabbis are having a discussion…
As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his…
An elderly lady did her shopping and upon return found…
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item that…
My neighbor was sitting on his porch and he looked…
Miss Adams was giving her 2nd graders an introduction to…
A helicopter was flying around above Seattle yesterday when an…
A man always sees a beautiful woman in a bar…
what has a pedophile got in common with acne? they…
Q: how do you know which waitress is a blonde??…
If both Mother Theresa and Princess Diana were alive today,…