Stupid People Should Advertise
Stupid people should have to wear signs that say, “I’M…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Stupid people should have to wear signs that say, “I’M…
Cohen’s wife Zelda was a real shrew, a nag, a…
Jim went to the unemployment office to get a job.…
1. The AOL car would have a TOP speed of…
Years ago, before “Caller ID” was perfected, I telephoned 911…
This man and his son where driving down the road…
What do fat girls and mopeds have in common? They…
What has 3 balls and is from outer space? ET…
Q: Why do gays have balls? A: Mud flaps
As he was leaving the supermarket, Mr. Denton noticed the…
Q: What do Chinese people call 69? A: tu-can-chu
What’s six miles long and moves four miles an hour?…